8/17/22 Meeting Notes
Impact Chess pledges to never sell water at events
Went to Trenton Farmers Market
Around 20 ppl went (8 were Impact Chess…)
Mr. Andre was taught how to play chess
Gives us more access to Trenton
We donated 4 chess sets that are permanently there
Maybe an event once in a month
Go again this weekend (Winston+Joanna)
Opened online shop
Nonprofit right now, will be profit later
Cool hoodies, shirts, teddy bears, bucket hat
Good quality
15% off now!
Raised $2000 so far, donated/used a lot
We’re almost broke
We need fundraising
Email to Hamilton Jewelers for fundraising
Builds credibility
Prizes for raising money (merch)
Reach out to local businesses
Fundraised money goes under your name, can help college applications, etc.
All donors appreciated
We need to start hosting local events, get friends to join Impact Chess
April teaching people with disabilities chess
A week is the perfect time for ads - sense of urgency, but with enough time to reach ppl
Set up virtual event w/ Andrew Tang (simul on Lichess, ask him questions while he plays) -limit number of people playing (30) and add a “please donate” button
In person events - sell merch, stickers, reusable water bottles, snacks
In the past week, Tiana won the WFM title and Rochelle won the WGM title- CONGRATULATE THEM!!
Amongus jokes yay
Written by Joanna Hou and edited by Eric Wu