Last session at the Trenton After School Program

The Tuesday before last (April 15th), Eric Z, Jonina, and I held the sixth and final chess session at the Trenton After School Program. For our last chess session, we organized a small chess tournament where the kids used the chess skills they’d learned from the past weeks. It was fun seeing the kids play chess and being happy with their results, even if they had lost. At the end, we handed out medals to all the kids, and since there was a six way tie for the top three places, there was a tiebreaker of rock paper scissors to decide who would get the gold, silver, and bronze medals (the kids who didn’t get one of the special medals got an extra normal medal).

Thank you to Sheguyma Bazile, Ms. Nickey, and other staff members at the Trenton After School Program for making this collaboration possible! It’s been a great experience teaching chess to the kids at the Trenton After School Program, and we hope to continue spreading the game of chess through more communities.


Webster Chess Club in Minnesota