Impact Chess at Princeton Public Library - 09/17
On Saturday, Sept. 17, Impact Chess hosted its first Princeton Public Library event. Organized on the third floor with a stunning bird’s eye view of Princeton’s Nassau Street, it lasted from 3:00 P.M. to 4:30 P.M. and a total of 18 people signed up to play chess. Many of the participants were younger children in the beginner to intermediate level range. National Master Winston Ni participated and taught some younger children how to play.
NM Winston Ni explaining the rules of chess to a younger child
Steven Li also attended and had a spectacular loss in which he lost four pieces on the first move
Steven lost 2 knights and 2 pawns, while his opponent only lost 1 pawn on the first few moves
The volunteers that showed up to this event:
Joanna, Winston, Steven, Cindy, and Andrew
Impact Chess will continue to host events like this at the Princeton Public Library every other week on the third floor in the Story Room.
Written by Joanna Hou, Published by Cindy Zhou