The Sequel of Impact Chess at the Norwich Public Library in Vermont

On November 12, Impact Chess held its second event at the Vermont/New Hampshire area at the Norwich Public library. The event was organized by Impact Chess member, Matt Chan. The first event was held on October 22 and there is already an article about it, so be sure to check that out. The event was free and open to anyone of all ages and backgrounds. Chess boards were set up in the community room of the library at the start of the event.

Organizer of the event, Matt Chan in the process of setting up the boards

Setting up all the boards prior to the event

The second event lasted for 3 hours; participants showed up and played at their own convenience. 8 participants showed up overall and some were in fact new. Participants were mainly kids and a few parents and adults.

Matt playing with an older participant. He showed up for the first time and he was pretty experienced.

Throughout the duration of the event Matt supervised games and played with different community members per request. He also assisted new players and clarified any confusions they had regarding some complicated rules of the game such as castling and en-passant. 

Members playing chess and enjoying the atmosphere

Matt showing a young player a special rule of chess “castling”

Matt observing and assisting 2 young players with other spectators in the background

It was a fun opportunity to see new community members get together to play chess. Everyone enjoyed it. Finally, we would like to continue to thank the staff and librarians at the Norwich Public Library for continuing to provide all the support to bring chess to the community. This was the last event of 2022 and the tentative date for the next event will be on January 14 and it will run at the same place from 12PM to 3PM EST. Happy holidays and we hope to host more events in 2023!

Written and Published by Matt Chan


Impact Chess at Princeton Public Library - 11/19


Meeting Notes 11/18