Impact Chess at Princeton Public Library - 2/4/2023

Last Saturday, on the fourth, Impact Chess hosted another Princeton Public Library event, this time in the STEAM Studio. It lasted from 3:00 to 4:30, and 15 people in total showed up to play casual games of chess, including National Master Winston Ni. 

I also got to teach a young girl how to play chess. According to her mom, her dad had already taught her how to play, but she didn’t find it interesting. I had the opportunity of trying to make chess more amusing for her during the event, and she was fully engaged in learning the basics of chess for almost one and a half hours. She left saying that she’d come back for the next event. Who knows, maybe she’ll become the world champion one day.

Impact Chess will continue to host events at the library every other week on the third floor, and the events will most likely be moved back to the Story Room.

Written by Joanna Hou, Published by Cindy Zhou


02/17/23 Meeting Notes


Meeting Notes - 12/16